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How to export products

A step-by-step explanation of the product export process

Updated over 8 months ago

To export products to retailers, you can use this step-by-step guide. If any questions remain, you can reach out to our support team.

Start an export and choose your export type

  1. Go to Products and select the products you want to export. Select them by checking the boxes next to the product names.

  2. In the taskbar, select the option Export products.

  3. In the pop-up window, choose the export type you want to start and select Next. A generic export doesn't use mapping, while a mapping export uses an export mapping.

Set up a generic export

A generic export creates an output file with all product data available for the selected products.

For a generic export, the next field asks you what language you want your product data to have in your export. You can also select Use overwritten names if applicable.

Next, you see an overview of your export featuring all the chosen products. You can start the export process by selecting Export.

Go to Exports to see the export progress or download the export file.

Set up a mapping export

A mapping export creates an output file only with the attributes relevant to a selected retailer.

If you select the mapping export type, you see an overview of five steps you need to take to perform your export:

  • Step 1: Select channel
    Choose a channel and a language for your product export and select Next.

    In Channel, choose a relevant retailer or internal channel to send your products to.
    In Select language, choose a different option if the language chosen in your settings isn't relevant to your current export. Possible options are Dutch, French, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

  • Step 2: Settings
    Choose what content you want to export, and specify if you want to schedule an export. Then, select Next.

    In Select sources to export, check the boxes next to the types of product information you want to export:
    1. Product attributes exports text data associated with your products.
    2. Product assets exports images and other files associated with your products.

    In Only export products updated, select which products you want to export:
    1. since always (export all products) sends all your selected products to the chosen channel.
    2. since last export only exports products added or updated since the last export.
    3. between dates exports all products added or updated between two selected dates. If you choose this option, open the calendar in Select a date range to choose the needed timeframe for product updates.

    In Schedule the export, check the box if you want to schedule your export to repeat or delay it as needed. If you check this box, the platform takes you to the tab Step 3 – Schedule, where you can set up a desired export schedule as the next step. If you leave this box unchecked, the platform takes you straight to Step 4 – Contact when you select Next.

    TIP: If you make a mistake or need to change something in a previous step, you can select Previous to go back to the completed steps and make changes.

  • Step 3: Schedule
    Set up a desired scheduled export to delay or repeat it as needed. Then, select Next.
    You can open this tab only if you check the box Schedule the export in the tab Step 2 – Settings.

    In Type a name for the scheduled export, enter a name for the scheduled export to make it easier to find it in the platform later.

    In Ignore product status, check the box if you need to export products that have any status (the Retail platform originally exports only products with the status Published). This can be useful if you, for example, run a scheduled import from an FTP destination in the Productsup platform, and the updated products change their statuses from Published to Concept, although they are fully ready for export.

    In How often do you want to schedule it?, choose a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly scheduling interval. You can only select one of these options. After selecting an interval, enter the preferred times or days when you want to run the export. For example, you can select Daily, enter 2 in Every ... day(s), and choose 14:00 next to at.

  • Step 4: Contact
    Enter an email and a message the platform should send to the retailer or other contacts along with the product data. Then, select Next.

    In Contact, enter the email addresses of the organizations or people you wish to send your product data to. The platform automatically prefills the retailer email in this field, but you can remove it if necessary. You can add up to ten email addresses in this field.

    In Custom message, you can add a message the platform should send to the given email addresses along with the product data.

  • Step 5: Overview
    Check all the provided information, and select Start to send the data to the provided emails or schedule a later export.

    If you spot a mistake, you can make changes by selecting Edit next to the needed setting or choosing Previous to go back to the needed step.

    If you are ready with the export settings, you can select Start to begin the export process.

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