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Product details page

An overview of the product details page.

Updated over 6 months ago

In this section, you find the overview of the product details page.

To see the details on any product:

  1. Go to Products from the main sidebar.

  2. Search for and select the necessary product. The product details page opens.

The product details page consists of the following elements:

  1. Product general information

  2. Product navigation

  3. Overview of product sections

  4. Product stage line

Product general information

At the top of the page, you can see the product's image, GTIN, name, and the percentage of the product information completed depending on the selected variant.

INFO: If the product information completion isn't 100 percent, you still can export the products.

In the general information section, you can also find the buttons related to the product and the data and time of the last update of the product information:

  1. Tasks - view the tasks related to the product.

  2. Activity - view the log of all changes to the product.

  3. Actions - you can edit or delete the product or link it with other products. Deleting the product removes both the product and all its variants.

  4. Back (<) and forward (>) arrows to move to the next product.

To edit the general product information:

  1. In the Actions drop-down menu, select Edit. The Update product data sidebar opens.

  2. In Product, edit the product name.

  3. In GTIN, edit the product's GTIN. This can be an EAN, an ISBN, or another option depending on the product.

  4. Select the product's brand in Brand.

  5. Select the product's category in Category.

  6. Optionally, open the calendar and in Introduction date select the date and time when the product should be added to the Retail platform and become available for import and export.

  7. Optionally, open the calendar and in Delist date select the date and time when the product should be removed from the Retail platform.

  8. Select Save.

Product navigation

On the left side of the product details page, you can find the Product navigation menu consisting of:

  • Attributes

  • Assets

  • Story

  • Hierarchy

When you select any of the options, the corresponding view opens under the general product information section.

All attributes

When you select the Attributes option in the Product navigation menu, the All attributes section opens and shows the variants available for the product and attributes for the selected variant.

You can search for a needed attribute in the Attribute groups section.

Every attribute may have several fields.

TIP: You can lock the fields by selecting the Lock icon. If the field is locked, it can't be edited.

Variants can be created for specific targets such as various retailers or as Master Data.

NOTE: Each variant's 'Master Data' will contain a specific list of fields necessary for that variant. Different retailers will require different product information and will have different demands for this information and the fields. Therefore, it's not possible to give a complete list of all available fields.

For example, Marketing generic fields can be:

  • EAN - contains a standardized code describing the product for easy scanning and retrieval.

  • Title - the name of the product. This is the name retailers and other organizations use to search for the product.

  • Subtitle - a description under the title of the product.

  • Brand Marketing - a short description of the brand of the product. The field has a character limit of 600.

  • Description - the most important information about the product. The field has no character limit but we suggest keeping the description up to 500 characters.

  • Long description - a detailed description of the product. The field does not have a character limit.

  • Short description - a short description of the product in question. The field does not have a character limit but we suggest keeping the short description up to 200 characters.

  • Languages on Pack - the languages in which the information for] the packaging of the products.

  • Product Marketing - a short marketing pitch for the product. There is no character limit for this field but we suggest keeping it up to 75 characters.

  • Product Marketing Bullet Point - one sentence that explains the product. This field can be added multiple times.

  • SEO keywords - keywords to search for the product in search engines.

The Logistics attribute fields can be:

  • GPC Classification Code - the GS1 product category code that is based on the product’s essential properties as well as its relationship to other products.

  • Packaging type code - the GS1 code of the product packaging type, for example, CA for carton, BX for box, etc.

  • Height - the height of the product in mm or cm.

  • Width - the width of the product in mm or cm.

  • Depth - the depth of the product in mm or cm.

  • Net content - the volume of the product in grams, kilograms, milligrams, liters, centiliters, or milliliters.

  • Gross weight - the gross weight of the product in grams, kilograms, milligrams, liters, centiliters, or milliliters.

  • Net weight - the net weight of the product can be filled out in grams, kilograms, milligrams, liters, centiliters, or milliliters.

  • Case GTIN - the GTIN of the product case. This is usually an EAN that can be 8, 12, 13, or 14 numbers long.

  • Packaging type code case - the GS1 code of the product case packaging type, for example, CA for carton, BX for box, etc.

  • Case Unit Count - the amount of products inside a case can be registered in numbers.

  • Case Height - the case height in mm or cm.

  • Case Width - the case width in mm or cm.

  • Case Depth - the case depth in mm or cm.

  • Gross Weight Case Unit - the gross weight of a case unit can be filled out in grams, kilograms, milligrams, liters, centiliters, or milliliters.

  • GTIN Pallet - the GTIN for a pallet; this is usually an EAN and should be 8, 12, 13, or 14 numbers long.

  • Pallet Height - the pallet height in mm or cm.

  • Pallet Width - the pallet width in mm or cm.

  • Pallet Depth - the pallet depth in mm or cm.

  • Pallet Gross Weight - the gross weight of the pallet in grams, kilograms, milligrams, liters, centiliters, or milliliters.

  • Platform type code - the platform type code is either 11 (EUR) or 12 (EUR – blok). A pallet with the standard dimensions of 800 x 1200 mm has the platform type code 11.

  • Quantity of base units per pallet - the amount of products in a pallet.

  • Quantity of base units per layer - the amount of products in a layer.

  • Case Unit Count Per Pallet - the number of case units in a pallet.

  • Layers Per Pallet - the number of layers per pallet.

  • Case Unit Count Per layer - the case unit count in a layer.

  • Stock status - the status of the stock. The different options allow for registration of the amount of available products and whether the stock will be refilled.

  • Stock count - the amount of products in stock.

  • Warehouse ID - the ID of the warehouse where the products are stored.

  • Material - the material that the products are made of.

To add a new variant:

  1. In Variants, select Add variant. The sidebar Create Variant opens.

  2. In Name, enter the variant name.

  3. In GTIN, you can see the GTIN of the selected product. You can edit it.

  4. Select the needed channel in Channel.

  5. Optionally, select a product in Copy data from (optional).

  6. Optionally, select a product in Copy assets from (optional).

  7. Select Save.

At the top right side of All attributes, select the Languages button to add the translations for every field in the attributes.

Filters let you leave only the fields in the needed language in the All attributes section. You can also select Only show the empty fields to view only empty fields in the product detail page.


When you select the Assets option in the Product navigation menu, the Assets section opens and shows all the assets, or image files, uploaded for the products.

  • The column Asset name lets you see the image preview and the asset name which is a link to the full size of the image. Select this link to open the asset in the separate browser tab.

  • The column Asset type lets you select the type of your asset such as eCommerce Power Image, Enhanced Content Toolkit, etc.

  • The column Resolution shows the resolution of the image in pixels.

  • The column Filesize shows the file size of the asset.

  • The column Include in export lets you select what assets in the list should be included in exports.

  • The column Actions gives you four actions for the selected asset:

    • Open asset lets you open the asset in a new tab.

    • Download asset lets you download the asset file to your computer.

    • Rename asset lets you change the asset name.

    • Remove lets you remove the asset file from the platform.

To upload a new asset:

  1. Select the Upload button.

  2. Select an image from the Media picker or select Upload to choose an image from your computer.

  3. Select Choose image.

TIP: To ensure high-quality content we advise uploading images that are at least 300dpi and 2000px long or wide. Most suppliers expect all images to be in the PNG file type.


When you select the Story option in the Product navigation menu, the Story section opens and shows a short description of the selected variant.

To add a story:

  1. Select Start creating.

  2. Enter the description in the text field.

  3. Select the floppy disk button to save the story.

  4. Select Create story.


When you select the Hierarchy option in the Product navigation menu, the Hierarchies section opens where you can view the hierarchies of products and link the products with their quantities.

To link the products:

  1. Select Link products and only link items that are one level below the active product.

  2. In Product, select a product.

  3. In Quantity, select the number of products.

  4. Select Link.

  5. Select Save.

    Link products

Upload hierarchy in CSV

You can import packaging hierarchies, or linked products, via a CSV and export them to the needed channels using the Retail PX API. You must link each product to one lower-level product in a hierarchy by providing the GTIN and quantity of the respective lower-level product in its data within a CSV import.

For example, you can import and export linked products in a scenario similar to this:

  • In the PALLET unit, you can provide the GTIN and Quantity of the relevant DISPLAY unit.

  • In the DISPLAY unit, you can provide the GTINs and Quantities of three CASE units.

  • In the CASE units, you can provide the GTIN and Quantity of the respective BASE unit.

Product hierarchy CSV import

When you import data with the GTINs and quantities of lower-level products, the Retail platform automatically connects all the linked products and displays the respective hierarchy tree on the product detail page.

Product stage line

For every product, at the bottom of the product details page, you can see the workflow line and the stage of the product.

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