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An overview of the Users page.

Updated over a year ago

The Users functionality gives an overview of all users registered in the system for your organization.

In the Users page, you can see all registered users of your organization. Every user tile shows an avatar or initials of their username and user roles.

To find a user, type in the name of the user in the Search field at the top of the Users page.

Use the page selection field at the bottom of the page to scroll through different pages of your users.

Create or edit a user

To create a new user:

  1. Select the CREATE USER button. The Create user form opens.

  2. In Name, enter the user's name.

  3. In Email, enter the user's email address.

  4. In Avatar, select the Upload button and choose an image from your computer.

  5. In Role, select one or more user's roles in the platform.

  6. In Mobilephone, enter the user's mobile phone number.

  7. In Address, enter the user's address.

  8. In Country, enter the user's country of residence.

  9. In Position, enter the position of the user within your organization.

  10. In Locale, select the platform language for the user's view. For example, if you choose Dutch as a locale, all pages will be shown in Dutch.

  11. In Workspaces, select all the workspaces that the user can access.

  12. In Workspace, select the main workspace that your user has access to.

  13. Select Save to save your edited or newly created user.

To edit the information of a user, select a necessary user tile and edit the necessary information.

Tip: Learn more about the Users functionality benefits and use cases on our Academy website by taking the video course User authentication and management.

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