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An overview of the Channels functionality.

Updated over a year ago

In the sidebar of the Retail platform, you can find all the necessary functionalities. An important one is Channels. This functionality gives an overview of all channels registered in the Retail platform for your organization. The channels available to you are the channels that the Retail platform has created for your organization to facilitate communication with your retailers.

NOTE: Contact your account manager if you wish to have more channels and want to discuss any other channel-related business.

Channel is the format used to import and export your data. For example, a channel can show how images are going to be exported and in what template. Data can be delivered as several file types such as .xlsx, .json, or .xml, and via different routes such as an email, FTP, or Soap.

If products are sent via an API connection, the channel settings are different in that they describe the proper API connections that are to be used. The functionality Channels always show how exports will be formed and run.

In the Channels page, you can see all registered channels shown as thumbnails available to your organization. Use the page selection field at the bottom of the page to scroll through different pages of registered channels.

To find a channel, type in the name of the brand in the Search field at the top-right corner of the page.

INFO: One retailer can have multiple channels for imports and exports. Some retailers require certain fields of information to be delivered separately. With the Retail platform, this is a quick and easy process that we are happy to take care of for you!

Every channel tile represents a retailer. You can see the channel name and type which can be import or export.

If you see the blue icon next to the Export, it means that you can add credentials.

To add Amazon credentials you can also use the Authorize Seller and Authorize Vendor buttons.

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