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An overview of the Imports page.

Updated over a year ago

The Imports page shows all the imports that have been performed by your organization.

Before reading this section you can also take a course about Imports and Exports on Productsup Academy.

To locate the Imports page:

  1. Go to Imports from the main sidebar.

All imports are presented in a table:

  • The column Current status gives a summary of the amount of products that have been found, inserted, and/or updated.

  • The column Saved products shows you if this particular import has saved any products in the system. No means the import is probably a test run, or dry run’.

  • The column Channel shows the import channel.

  • The column User shows the user who oversaw the import details.

  • The column Started at shows the date and time the import was performed on.

  • Three dots icon lets you open the possible actions:

    • Download import

    • Restart import

    • Delete import

Restart import

To restart import:

  1. Select three dots in the import row.

  2. Select Restart import.

  3. Select the necessary checkboxes for the data that should be updated:

    1. Title - the titles of products are updated.

    2. Brand - the brands of products are updated.

    3. Category - the categories of products are updated.

    4. Multiple variants - the master data should be skipped and only variants should be changed. It is possible to change multiple variants by checking this field. When checked, the field ‘Variant column’ comes up, where a column for the variant to be added to your import data should be filled out.

    5. Dry run - activates a test run. This means products will not be imported into the system. A test run can be used to check your products and data for faults. If any faults are detected, these can be solved so the import will run properly.

    6. Update variants - the variants of products based on your master data are also updated when an import is run.

    7. Remove leading zeros - removes zeros (0) at the beginning of EAN to fit a certain length. Note: A zero at the beginning of an EAN code could be an actual part of the EAN. Check manually if your starting zeroes should be removed.

  4. Select Finish.

Create an import

To create a new import:

  1. Select the CREATE IMPORT button in the top right corner.

  2. The New import pop-up ones where you need to add or select the necessary information:

    1. In Settings fill out the following:

      1. In Channel, choose the communication channel for this import. If the channel of this restarted import should be different from the original import, you should change it by selecting a different channel in this dropdown field.

      2. In Import Mapping, select mapping for the import from the list.

      3. In Language, you can choose the language that your import will be provided in from the search bar which comes up when the field is clicked. This will be automatically filled if a standard language has been set before.

    2. In Upload do the following:

      1. Select Choose and select the necessary file from your computer.

      2. Select Upload to upload the file.

      3. Select Next.

    3. In Optional, select the necessary checkboxes:

      1. Title - the titles of products are updated.

      2. Brand - the brands of products are updated.

      3. Category - the categories of products are updated.

      4. Multiple variants - the master data should be skipped and only variants should be changed. It is possible to change multiple variants by checking this field. When checked, the field ‘Variant column’ comes up, where a column for the variant to be added to your import data should be filled out.

      5. Dry run - activates a test run. This means products will not be imported into the system. A test run can be used to check your products and data for faults. If any faults are detected, these can be solved so the import will run properly.

      6. Update variants - the variants of products based on your master data are also updated when an import is run.

      7. Remove leading zeros - removes zeros (0) at the beginning of EAN to fit a certain length. Note: A zero at the beginning of an EAN code could be an actual part of the EAN. Check manually if your starting zeroes should be removed.

      8. Overwrite data - is checked by default.

    4. Select Finish.

View import details

Expand a selected import row to see the import details.

  • If the field Dry run is checked, this import had a test run. This means products were not imported into the system. A test run can be used to check your products and data for faults. If any faults were detected, these can be solved so that the import will run properly.

  • If Update variants is checked, the variants of products based on your master data were also updated when the import was run. If this field is not checked, variants were skipped and their data was not changed.

  • If Update brand is checked, the brands of products were updated with this import. If unchecked, brand updates were skipped. The field is automatically checked at the start when creating an import.

  • If Update Category is checked, the categories of products were updated with the import. Unchecking this makes it so that category updates are skipped. The field is automatically checked at the start when creating an import.

  • If Update title is checked, the titles of products were updated with the import. Unchecking this makes it so that title updates are skipped. The field is automatically checked at the start when creating an import.

  • If Trim leading 0 values in EAN is checked, the platform removes zeros (0) at the beginning of EAN to fit a certain length. Note: A zero at the beginning of an EAN code could be an actual part of the EAN. Check manually if your starting zeroes should be removed.

  • Channel shows the communication channel that was chosen for this import is shown.

  • Language shows the language that your import will be provided in from the search bar which comes up when the field is clicked. This will be automatically filled if a standard language has been set before.

  • Selecting the File button lets you download an Excel file which shows a complete overview of the import with EAN codes.

  • Mapping shows if any mapping was done.

Next to the information fields is a timeline of the import, showing the dates and times of when the import started, mapping started, products inserted and updated, and when the import was finished. As a standard, the import list is sorted from most to least recent import.

Scheduled imports

The Scheduled imports tab shows you a list of all imports that will happen at a future date and/or time and all the imports that are scheduled to take place at regular intervals.

You can schedule imports for the future, and for imports to be repeated regularly.

  1. Go to Imports.

  2. Select the Scheduled imports tab.


  4. The New scheduled import pop-up ones where you need to add or select the necessary information:

    1. In Settings fill out the following:

      1. In Name, give a name to your scheduled import.

      2. In Channel, choose the communication channel for this import. If the channel of this restarted import should be different from the original import, you should change it by selecting a different channel in this dropdown field.

      3. In Import Mapping, select mapping for the import from the list.

      4. In Language, you can choose the language that your import will be provided in from the search bar which comes up when the field is clicked. This will be automatically filled if a standard language has been set before.

      5. Select Next.

    2. In Frequency, select how often the import should repeat:

      1. Daily

      2. Weekly

      3. Monthly

      4. Every X days at HH:MM.

      5. Select Next.

    3. In Optional, select the necessary checkboxes:

      1. Select at least one source to import: Product attributes or Product assets.

      2. Trim leading 0 values in EAN - removes zeros (0) at the beginning of EAN to fit a certain length. Note: A zero at the beginning of an EAN code could be an actual part of the EAN. Check manually if your starting zeroes should be removed.

      3. Update Brand - sends the updated brands of products.

      4. Multiple variants - the master data will be skipped and only variants will be changed. It is possible to change multiple variants by checking this field. When checked, the field ‘Variant column’ comes up, where a column for the variant to be added to your import data should be filled out.

      5. Update Category - sends the updated categories of products.

      6. Update variants - sends the updated variants of products based on your master data.

      7. Update title - sends the updated tiles of the products.

      8. Paused - the imports are stopped until you choose to resume them again.

      9. Select Finish.

NOTE: You mustn't delete any scheduled imports, as this removes the API from any future imports. No API means no update in product details and no info received by retailers, so this isn't recommended! Ask your admin or Retail platform Support for help.

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